Snack Attack

If your family is anything like mine during this quarantine, snacking has become an Olympic sport during these last few weeks. Family movies have also become an almost nightly fun, we have watched: all three Jumanji movies, Trolls World Tour (my girls watched it 5 times in the 48 hours we had on the rental), Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Lord of the Rings, Frozen 2, Onward, Mr. Peabody, and I am sure I am forgetting many more. What movies have you been watching? After the kids go to bed, we are devouring all the bizarre docuseries we can: McMillions, Don’t F*ck with Cats, and obviously Tiger King.

So when I wanted to do something fun for another family movie night, I knew I had to up my game, enter SNACK ATTACK. All their favorite snacks, put together to create a salty, sweet, crunchy wonder that is all delicious and works together perfectly. This mix is great if you have a few bags of snacks that are not enough for a full snack but brought together, it is the perfect amount. You can also customize it for what you need or have on hand, swap regular pretzels for gluten free, leave out the nuts, use chunks of vegan chocolate, or use BBQ flavored chips, you get my point, make it your own!

My father-in-law got us this cute basket for Easter that had a large popcorn bucket along with two small buckets, perfect for serving my girls. They loved the whole thing, scroll down for pictures of them devouring the mix! I can just imagine all the fun movie nights with friends, passing a bowl to everyone and just enjoying each other’s company. Can you tell I am dying to entertain again????


Snack Attack

  • 3 cups pretzels (gluten free if needed)

  • 3 cups ruffled potato chips

  • 3 cups popped popcorn

  • 1 cup peanuts (omit for nut allergy)

  • 1 cup candy-coated chocolates

- Mix everything in a large bowl and serve!


Sneaking a taste!


When you mix it up, the peanuts and chocolates will drop to the bottom of the bowl because they are heavier than the other ingredients. Make sure to scoop to the bottom when serving!

Studded Banana Bread

Studded Banana Bread

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Shortcut Fish Tacos